First Man Photography

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Rise Above it for a New Perspective - Landscape Photography Vlog

A Blencathra Adventure

This week I climb the mighty mountain of Blencathra in the Lake District. A tough but rewarding climb followed by an interesting sunset in this landscape photography vlog.

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Despite my numerous visits to the Lake District in the past I have never climbed Blencathra. It sits proudly on the North Eastern edge of the Lakes like a mighty gate-keeper. There are numerous ways to summit the mountain. I choose the hardest path aiming to capture the drama of this mountain.

Beautful Weather, Tricky for Photography

The weather was absolutely beautiful and hot, making the climb difficult and the photography conditions even harder. Capturing great landscape photography in conditions where there is nothing but blue skies is tough. Faced with harsh light and huge contrast, it’s important to get in the right spot and think creatively. This is where black and white photography can be very effective, especially when you work a composition that is full of interesting tones. 

Shooting in Company

Recently I have been fully enjoying creating the films in company with a friend. Today I headed out with my friend Paddy who is an experienced walker and explorer. He also has a van called Christopher and he has recently launched a new Instagram account to chronicle his adventures. See the link above.

The Sunset Moment 

At the end of the day we headed down the mountain for a sunset shot. We made it with minutes to spare just as the sun dipped behind the mountains. I had picked out a little spot by a small body of water called Tewet Tarn. The area was thick with midges and, whilst I would normally avoid this, today I had no choice. I wanted the shot. In the end I captured an image to finish off the story of my day and Blencathra. A fire had also been raging during out decent. The smoke filled the Derwent valley and created some interest in the sky that made for a decent time lapse at the end. All in all, a great day of landscape photography.