Photography Gear Reviews

Landscape Photography - Hiking and Backpacking Gear

We look at all the hiking and backpacking gear I use when I am out shooting my landscape photography.

In a couple of my recent vlogs I have mentioned the importance of having the right gear to keep you safe when you are hiking and backpacking up mountains and tough terrain to capture your landscape photography. Since then there have been a number of requests to share what hiking and backpacking gear I am using including the clothes I wear.

Clothing in layers

When it comes to clothing the most important thing, to help you enjoy the great outdoors in comfort, is layers. Using layers of clothing has two main benefits. Each layer traps a thin veil of air that warms up and provides insulation to your body and keeps you warm. It also means that you can control your temperature more easily by adding or removing layers. In the video I show you each aspect of my photography clothing and links can also be found below.

Navigation Tools

When venturing out into the wilderness, navigation is also vitally important. If you are up a mountain and the weather moves in it can become very difficult to find your way even if you are just trying to re-trace your steps. Relying on a mobile phone is a risky move. Many of the nav features on a phone require a 3G signal and the remote locations we visit often leave us without signal. They also have a habit of dying quickly and fading when at altitude in the cold wind and weather. A map and compass is the cheapest option but a specialised GPS navigation system is also an option.

Survival Gear

Finally there a number of extra little safety items like a first aid kit, a survival bag, a knife, a lighter and a torch. You can see what i use below in the affiliate links below.

And remember - do not forget your food and water!!!!

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